Acts 22: 14-16 “Then he said to me, ‘The God of our ancestors has destined you[a] to know his plan and for you to see the Holy One and to hear his voice. For you will be his witness to every race of people and will share with them everything that you have seen and heard. So now, what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized, and wash away your sins as you call upon his name.’”
So, up to this point, you have taken the steps to accept God’s free gift of salvation, to strive to renew your mind, and accept the reality that you are now a part of a family. The time has come to change your steps from inward reflection to outward declaration.
The act of repentance and salvation is by its nature a very cleansing act. The Bible tells us in Isaiah that, “Though your sins stain you like scarlet, I will whiten them like bright, new-fallen snow!” When we accept God’s salvation, our sin is removed, and we literally move from death to life. Baptism is the perfect expression of this cleansing and resurrection.
Baptism is an outward and visible sign of an invisible grace. It is our way of declaring to the world that a change has taken place in the heart of a believer. We are instructed by the Word to make this declaration to the world by leaving it all in the water. To allow our past, our sins, our mistakes, our fears, and our worries to wash away and to rise as a NEW CREATION.
How important is your baptism? It is your personal identification with the greatest act of human history—the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Baptism doesn't save you—salvation comes by faith alone. Your guilt before God is removed the moment you trust in Christ. But baptism is your personal testimony to, and the inward assurance of, your passage from the old life to the new life...
TAKE THE LEAP. Make the decision to take this amazing experience that you have been having and literally declare it to the world. Take the steps up to the water and dive in, never to be the same again.
So, up to this point, you have taken the steps to accept God’s free gift of salvation, to strive to renew your mind, and accept the reality that you are now a part of a family. The time has come to change your steps from inward reflection to outward declaration.
The act of repentance and salvation is by its nature a very cleansing act. The Bible tells us in Isaiah that, “Though your sins stain you like scarlet, I will whiten them like bright, new-fallen snow!” When we accept God’s salvation, our sin is removed, and we literally move from death to life. Baptism is the perfect expression of this cleansing and resurrection.
Baptism is an outward and visible sign of an invisible grace. It is our way of declaring to the world that a change has taken place in the heart of a believer. We are instructed by the Word to make this declaration to the world by leaving it all in the water. To allow our past, our sins, our mistakes, our fears, and our worries to wash away and to rise as a NEW CREATION.
How important is your baptism? It is your personal identification with the greatest act of human history—the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Baptism doesn't save you—salvation comes by faith alone. Your guilt before God is removed the moment you trust in Christ. But baptism is your personal testimony to, and the inward assurance of, your passage from the old life to the new life...
TAKE THE LEAP. Make the decision to take this amazing experience that you have been having and literally declare it to the world. Take the steps up to the water and dive in, never to be the same again.